Online Education


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# 德惠教育(中学生导学系统);
# 德惠教育(中学生导学系统);
# [ 鲨鱼公园儿童大学](儿童科学课);

在2014年12月5日 (五) 13:35所做的修订版本

在线教育导航 | 参考:教育观察家 / 网络公开课 | 返回:第三教育工作室




  1. Take the World's Best Courses, Online, For Free.
  2. Founded by Stanford computer science professors, Coursera provides access to courses from top-tier universities for free. There are now 34 different universities contributing course material to the site, and with over $22 million in funding this year to work with, the site is doing pretty well for itself, especially considering it just launched in April. Currently, it boasts about 1.75 million users, and while it’s not charging for courses at present, the company is working on ways to monetize its incredibly valuable and popular programs.

  1. The Future of Online Education For anyone, anywhere, anytime.
  2. One of the most talked-about educational startups of 2012 has to be MIT and Harvard’s joint venture EdX. EdX plans to offer online courses free of charge, with materials and curricula drawn from existing programs at both schools. It’s not all about just teaching students, however. Administrators also plan to use the platform to research how technology can transform learning. EdX, which just launched this fall, isn’t quite the traditional startup, as it’s not-for-profit, but if it proves successful it could create some major competition for others looking to get into the online learning market.

  1. You learn by solving challenging problems and pursuing dacious projects with world-renowned university instructors (not by watching long, boring lectures);
  2. Former Stanford professor and Google VP and researcher Sebastian Thrun launched this online education venture earlier this year. Udacity hopes to bring high-quality university classes to as many students as possible, free of charge. How does it make money? If students want certifications for the skills they’ve learned, they can pay to take a test at one of the company’s testing centers. Not only has Udacity been a major newsmaker lately, it’s also gotten a fair amount of startup cash: close to $20 million this year.

  1. Start Learning from the World's Top Instructors.
  2. Since its launch in 2010, Udemy has published more than 4,500 courses on its site. Udemy operates by offering courses from instructors and experts in a wide range of fields for between $20 and $250. It’s been so popular that the top 10 instructors alone have made $1.6 million in sales of their course materials. Udemy is still going strong, drawing on course revenue as well as more than $5 million in funding.


  1. The Top Education Startups of 2012
  2. EdSurge·Products



  1. 豆瓣
  2. diigo(社会化书签)
  3. 知乎(问答社区)
  4. 开源中国社区
  5. 人人;

  1. 新东方在线(@孙畅,英语培训)
  2. 能力天空(@楼英明,大专院校和培训机构)
  3. 传课网
  4. 爱班网
  5. 沪江网

  1. 蓝卓(@郭进明,移动学习)
  2. 拓词
  3. 云词
  4. 正保
  5. 果壳网(@姬十三,泛科技媒体)

  1. 新为软件(@袁红兵,企业网络学院)
  2. 爱视恒恩(@潘禾为,录播系统租赁和课件工厂)
  3. 欢聚时代·YY教育(语聊社区)
  4. 中智信达(企业E-Learning)
  5. 时代光华(企业E-Learning)

  1. 云学堂(@毛付俊)
  2. 全景赛斯
  3. 华图宏阳
  4. 一起作业网
  5. 粉笔网

  1. 利为汇(DoNews工作室投资);
  2. 贝瓦网
  3. 八方视界
  4. 华医网
  5. 精品学习网

  1. 德惠教育(中学生导学系统);
  2. 鲨鱼公园儿童大学(儿童科学课);




  1. 自己革自己的命:云词发布4.0版,从单纯的背单词应用转型做英语学习全平台!
  2. “云词”打造真正“全平台无缝英语学习”应用,覆盖Web、手机、平板、PC桌面、电视 #36氪开放日#










