Waldorf Education
华德福教育相关资源 | 参考 教育NGO列表 | 返回 工作坊首页
目录 |
- 黄晓星(国内华德福最早的推动者)的博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/waldorfcd;
- 卢安克(长沙天使支教行动)的博客 http://luanke.jiaoyu.org/;
- 吴蓓的博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/waldorfbj;
- 李泽武(成都华德福学校)的博客:http://blog.sina.com.cn/lzw101101;
- 黄明雨(北京南山华德福学校)的博客:http://blog.sina.com.cn/thislightinoneself;
- 郁宁远(北京春之谷华德福学校)的博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1655150594;
- 王守茂的博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/waldorfshandong
- 曾柏良的博客 http://blog.nnsky.com/blog_1383.html
- 胡伟和的博客:活力有机农业 http://blog.sina.com.cn/biodynamic;
- 天赋理性的孩子适合华德福吗?;
- 怎样的幼儿园才是适合孩子成长的?;
- 不可以把孩子做成华德福教育的标本;
- “提前唤醒”;
- 史丹纳PK儿童发展心理学研究者们;
- 想象力与幻想;
- 我对华德福的期待;
- 橘与枳(一)、(二);
- 万能的小精灵;
- 不可以对孩子说“不”;
- 华德福对中国教育产生的影响(1);
- 华德福对中国教育产生的影响(2);
- 我对吴蓓老师回应的回应;
- 成都华德福学校 http://www.waldorfchina.org.cn/
- 成都华德福学校的博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/waldorfchengdu
- 绵阳华德福众生书院 http://blog.sina.com.cn/waldorfmianyang
- 北京天下溪华妈妈汇 http://blog.sina.com.cn/aolinchuntianmmh;
- 北京枫丹幼儿家园 http://blog.sina.com.cn/waldorfkids
- 北京成长网专栏 http://www.cedu.cn/bbs/index.asp?
- 北京小种子幼儿家园 http://blog.sina.com.cn/huadefu
- 北京欢乐树儿童之家 http://blog.sina.com.cn/waldorfhls
- 北京太阳石娃娃家 http://blog.sina.com.cn/sunstonewaldorf
- 北京悠然儿童之家 http://blog.sina.com.cn/zhuyuyicheng
- 彩虹桥--北京史坦纳学习小组 http://blog.sina.com.cn/caihongqiao2010
- 京南华德福互助会 http://blog.sina.com.cn/dwaldorf
- 斯坦纳生活实践营 http://blog.sina.com.cn/bjwaldorf
- 莲爱望京华德福实践园 http://blog.sina.com.cn/lianaijiayuan
- 天津小青蛙儿童之家 http://blog.sina.com.cn/waldorftj
- 上海儿童之家 http://ww123.net/baby/forumdisplay.php?fid=7&filter=cycle&cycleid=75
- 上海欣之家 http://blog.sina.com.cn/shanghaiwaldorf
- 上海韦你儿童之家 http://blog.sina.com.cn/waldorfsunflower
- 上海福源社 http://blog.sina.com.cn/fuyuanshewaldorf
- 上海福蕊儿童之家 http://blog.sina.com.cn/mhwaldorf
- 广东省论坛 http://blog.tianya.cn/blogger/view_blog.asp?BlogName=waldorfgd
- 广东茂名伟才儿童之家 http://blog.sina.com.cn/weicaiertong
- 廣州論壇 http://waldorf.vicp.net/index.aspx
- 广州山海源教育中心 http://blog.sina.com.cn/gzshy123
- 深圳小松树儿童之家 http://blog.sina.com.cn/77xiaozhu
- 深圳娃娃家 http://blog.sina.com.cn/szwawajia
- 深圳人智教育工作室 http://blog.sina.com.cn/szanthroposophy
- 深圳育德共同成长家园 http://www.gtcz.net
- 珠海亲亲学园 http://blog.sina.com.cn/zhwaldorf
- 珠海蓝樱小院子儿童之家 http://blog.sina.com.cn/sunnyard
- 湖南小树林儿童之家 http://blog.sina.com.cn/xsletzj
- 西安儿童之家 http://blog.sina.com.cn/xianwaldorf
- 西安心心家园 http://www.xinxinjiayuan.net/
- 陕西韩城三鑫幼儿园 http://blog.sina.com.cn/huanlejieri
- 大连儿童之家 http://blog.sina.com.cn/waldorfdl
- 长春小豆豆儿童之家 http://blog.sina.com.cn/ziyunmum521
- 绥芬实践 http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1523174383
- 河北石家庄回然小镇·篱园” http://blog.sina.com.cn/hebeihuadefu
- 石家庄田园学苑儿童之家 http://blog.sina.com.cn/tyxueyuan
- 扬州三叶草儿童之家 http://blog.sina.com/loveyoumyson
- 杭州满陇桂雨幼儿家园博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/hzsmlgyyejy
- 实践之家 http://www.waldorfhome.cn/uch/space.php?do=home
- 华德福教育步廊阁 http://blog.sina.com.cn/greenriver
- 武汉紫云英儿童之家 http://blog.sina.com.cn/huadefuwuhan
- 厦门小组 http://www.douban.com/group/261208/
- 南宁学习实践小组 http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1750289397
- 贵州实践 http://blog.sina.com.cn/waldorfguiyang
- 昆明 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_1641382673_0_1.html
- 人智学总部(德/英文) http://www.goetheanum.ch/
- 人智学(中文版)资源网 http://www.jiaoyu.org/
- 华德福书籍邮购处(中文) http://www.4hedu.com/
- 美国华德福教育协会(英文) http://www.whywaldorfworks.org/
- 德国华德福教育联盟(德/英文) http://www.waldorfschule.info/en/waldorfschule-bund/adresses/international-associations-and-waldorf-schools/index.html
- 德国鲁道夫史代纳教育友好协会(德/英文) http://www.freunde-waldorf.de/
- 鲁道夫.史代纳图书网(英文) http://www.steinerbooks.org/
- 鲁道夫.史代纳在线图书(英文) http://www.rsarchive.org/eLib/
- 华德福书籍(英文) http://www.waldorflibrary.org/pg/home/home.asp
- 史代纳网(英文) http://www.rudolfsteinerweb.com/
- 韵律舞 http://www.rudolfsteinerweb.com/Rudolf_Steiner_and_Eurythmy.php
- 华德福家庭学校(英文) http://www.waldorfinthehome.org/
(以上资料由 师源 提供)
Waldorf School Associations in English speaking countries
- Association of Waldorf Schools in North America (AWSNA)
- Association of Steiner Waldorf Schools in the UK and Ireland
- Rudolf Steiner Schools of Australia, an Association
- Southern African Federation of Waldorf Schools
- Waldorf School Association of Ontario
Other Waldorf School Associations and School Directories
- European Council of Steiner Waldorf Education (ECSWE)
- Austrian Association of Waldorf Schools (Österreichische Vereinigung freier Bildungsstätten)
- Danish Association of Waldorf Schools (Sammenslutningen af Rudolf Steiner Skoler i Danmark)
- German Association of Waldorf Schools (Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen)
- Italian Association of Waldorf Schools (Federazione delle Scuole Rudolf Steiner in Italia)
- Netherlands Association of Waldorf Schools (Bond van Vrije Scholen)
- Norwegian Association of Waldorf Schools (Steinerskolene i Norge)
- Rudolf Steiner Schools in Australia
- Swedish Association of Waldorf Schools (Svenska Waldorfskolefederationen)
- Waldorf Education Directory for Latin America
General Waldorf resources
- What is Waldorf education? (Pine Hill Waldorf School)
- Frequently Asked Questions (Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs)
- Frequently Asked Questions (Richmond Waldorf School)
- Research Institute for Waldorf Education
- Americans for Waldorf Education (AWE)
- The site of "Bob and Nancy"
- Waldorf Resources (reading room)
- Waldorf World
- Waldorf Library
- Waldorf Answers
- Millennial Child
Waldorf homeschooling resources
Other Waldorf resources
- Friends of Waldorf Education
- Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America
- Waldorf related articles in the media
- Waldorf and Waldorf related mailing lists
- Waldorf net (mainly in German)
Literature on Waldorf education
- Amazon.com (U.S.)
- Floris Books (U.K.)
- Michaelmas Press (U.S.)
- SteinerBooks (U.S.) (See sections on Waldorf education)
- Rudolf Steiner Press (U.K.)
- Rudolf Steiner's complete Foundations of Waldorf Education | Online for free download
Articles on Waldorf education
- Schooling the Imagination by Todd Oppenheimer
Waldorf related resources
与华德福教育相关的资源: 特殊教育,优柔思美,基金会,华徳福教具玩具等
- Alliance for Childhood (U.S.)
- Alliance for Childhood (U.K.)
- Camphill Association of America
- Eurythmy Spring Valley
- Frequently Asked Questions on Eurythmy
- Famous ex-Waldorf Pupils
- Rudolf Steiner Foundation
- Rudolf Steiner Archive
- The Hiram Trust
- The Waldorf Market
- Mercurius Waldorf school supplies
- The WaldorfShop Network
- Waldorf Toys
- Waldorf House Exchange
- On Philosophy of Science, Goetheanism,Waldorf education and anthroposophy
Waldorf schools with home pages in North America (August 2005)
- The Rudolf Steiner School - High School, New York, (the first Waldorf school in the US, that opened in 1928)
- The Redmont School, Alabama
- The Aurora Waldorf school of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska
- The Desert Marigold, Phoenix, Arizona
- The Enchanted Deasert School, Tuscon, Arizona
- The Terra Rosa Charter School, Sedona, Arizona
- The Camelia Waldorf School, Sacramento, California
- The Cedar Springs Waldorf School, Placerville, California
- The Davis Waldorf School, California
- The East Bay Waldorf School - High School,El Sobrante, California(recommended by the UC Berkeley Parents Network)
- The Highland Hall Waldorf School - High School,Northridge, California
- The Live Oak Waldorf School, Meadow Vista, California
- The Marin Waldorf School, San Rafael, California
- The Monterey Bay Charter School, California
- The Pasadena Waldorf School, Altadena, California
- The Sacramento Waldorf School - High School,Fair Oaks, California
- The San Francisco Waldorf School - High Schol, California
- The Santa Cruz Waldorf School, California
- The Sierra Waldorf School, Jamestown, California
- The Summerfield Waldorf School - High School,
Santa Rosa, California
- The Waldorf School of San Diego, California
- The Waldorf School of Santa Barbara, California
- The Waldorf School of Orange County, California
- The Waldorf School of the Peninsula, Los Altos, California
- The Westside Waldorf School, Santa Monica, California
- The Willow Wood Waldorf School, Sebastopol, California
- The Denver Waldorf School - High School, Colorado
- The River Song Waldorf School, Fort Collins, Colorado
- The Shepherd Valley Waldorf School, Niwot, Colorado
- The Shining Mountain Waldorf School - High School,
Boulder, Colorado
- The Housatonic Valley School, Newtown, Connecticut
- The Linden Hill School, Wilton, Connecticut
- The Suncoast Waldorf School, Clearwater, Florida
- The Waldorf School of Atlanta, Georgia
- The Honolulu Waldorf School, Honolulu, Hawaii
- The Malamalama Waldorf School, Keaau, Hawaii
- The Sandpoint Waldorf School, Idaho
- The Chicago Waldorf School * High School, Illinois
- The Great Oaks School, Evanston, Illinois
- The Tidewater School, Elliot, Maine
- Parents for Waldorf Education, Annapolis, Maryland
- The Washington Waldorf School * High School, Maryland
- The Cape Ann Waldorf School, Beverly Farms, Massachusetts
- The Great Barrington Rudolf Steiner School, Massachusetts
- The Hartsbrook School, Hadley, Massachusetts
- The Waldorf School in Lexington * High School, Massachusetts
- The Waldorf School of Cape Cod, Bourne, Massachusetts
- The Detroit Waldorf School, Michigan
- The Minnesota Waldorf School, Mapelwood, Minnesota
- The Twin Cities Area Waldorf Schools, Minnesota
- The Watershed High School, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- The Shining Rivers School, St. Louis, Missouri
- The High Mowing School * High School, Wilton, New Hampshire
- The Pine Hill Waldorf School, Wilton, New Hampshire
- The Waldorf School of Princeton, New Jersey
- The Aurora Waldorf School, West Falls, New York
- The Green Meadow Waldorf School * High School,
Chestnut Ridge, New York
- The Hawthorne Valley School - High School, Ghent, New York
- The Northern Lights Waldorf School, Wilmington, New York
- The Sunbridge College, Spring Valley, New York
- The Waldorf School of Garden City - High School, New York
- The Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs - High School,
New York,
- The Waldorf School of the Finger Lakes, Ithaca, New York
- The Emerson Waldorf School, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
- The Cincinnati Waldorf School, Ohio
- The Spring Garden Waldorf School, Copely, Ohio
- The Cedarwood School, Portland, Oregon
- The Corvallis Waldorf School, Oregon
- The Eugene Waldorf School, Oregon
- The Portland Waldorf School - High School, Oregon
- The Shining Star School, NE Portland, Oregon
- The Swallowtail School, Hillsboro, Oregon
- The Kimberton Waldorf School - High School,
Pennsylvania (founded 1941)
- The Waldorf School of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- The Philadelphia Children's School, Pennsylvania
- The River Valley School, Upper Black Eddy, Pennsylvania
- The Susquehanna Waldorf School, Marietta, Pennsylvania
- The Meadowbrook Waldorf School, W Greenwich, Rhode Island
- The Potter Hill School, Kingston, Rhode Island
- The Linden Corner School, Nashville, Tennessee
- The Austin Waldorf School - High School, Texas
- The Green Mountain Waldorf School, Wolcott, Vermont
- The Upper Valley Waldorf School, Quechee, Vermont
- The Crossroads Waldorf School, Crozet, Virginia
- The Bright Water School, Seattle, Washington
- The Spring Meadow Waldorf School, Richmond, Virginia
- The Bright Water School, Seattle, Washington
- The Hazel Wolf High School, Seattle, Washington
- The Madrona Waldorf School, Bainbridge Island, Washington
- The Olympia Waldorf School, East Olympia, Washington
- The Seattle Waldorf School, Washington
- The Three Cedars School, Bellevue, Washington
- The Whatcom Hills Waldorf School, Bellingham, Washington
- The Whidbey Island Waldorf School, Clinton, Washington
- The Washington Waldorf School, Washington DC
- The Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School, Viroqua, Wisconsin
- The Tamarack Community School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- The Three Rivers School, La Crosse, Wisconsin
- The Urban Waldorf School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- The Youth Initiative High School, Viroqua, Wisconsin
For all schools affiliated with the Association of Waldorf Schools in North America, AWSNA, see info on schools in the United States, Canada and Mexico. See also here. For more on the Waldorf schools in the U.S. that have their own High Schools, but lack home page, see here. For some of the 870 Waldorf schools around the world, see the Waldorf World. See also here. For a complete list of Waldorf schools worldwide, see here.
Waldorf teacher education in North America
- Antioch New England Graduate School
40 Avon Street, Keene, New Hampshire 03431, 800.531.9540, email
- Arcturus Rudolf Steiner Education Program
6531 North Lakewood Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60626, 773.751.3026, email
- Bay Area Center For Waldorf Teacher Training
P.O. Box 2228, Sausalito, California 94966, 415.332.2133, email
- Great Lakes Teacher Training
1150 East Brady Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin , 262.524.2124, email
- Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto
9100 Bathurst Street #4, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada L4J 8C7, 905.764.7570, email
- Rudolf Steiner College
9200 Fair Oaks Boulevard, Fair Oaks, California 95628, 916.961.8727, email
- San Francisco and Los Altos Teacher Education
San Francisco Waldorf School, 2938 Washington Street, San Francisco, CA 94115, 800.515.8203 Waldorf School of the Peninsula, 11311 Mora Drive, Los Altos, CA 94024, 650.948.8433
- Sound Circle Center for Arts and Anthroposophy
9836 43rd Place NE, Seattle, Washington 98115, 206.926.9199, email
- Sunbridge College
285 Hungry Hollow Road, Spring Valley, New York 10977, 845.425.0055, email
- Waldorf High School Teacher Education Program
P.O.Box 545, Wilton, New Hampshire 03086, 603.654.2566, email
- Waldorf Institute of Southern California
17100 Superior Street, Northridge, California 91325, 877.394.1444, email
- Waldorf Teacher Training - Eugene
1350 McLean Boulevard, Eugene, Oregon 97405, 541.683.6951, email
For more, see the section on Waldorf teacher training at the site of Waldorf World.
Waldorf teacher education and adult education in Europe
- Emerson College, Sussex, England
- European Masters Programme for Steiner Waldorf Educators
- Greenwich University, England
- Hogeschool Helicon, Netherlands
- Lehrerseminar für Waldorfpädagogik Kassel, Germany
- Plymouth University, England
- Rudolf Steinerhögskolan, Sweden
- Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik Berlin, Germany
- Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik Hamburg, Germany
- Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik Stuttgart, Germany
- Snellman Institute, Helsinki, Finland
- Waldorflehrerseminar, Kiel, Germany
Waldorf teacher education in Australia and New Zeeland
- Parsifal College, Sydney, Australia
- Taruna College, New Zeeland
Some pages on Waldorf education outside the U.S.
- Quality assurance in European Steiner schools
- The Waldorf School Movement in South Africa
- El Trigal, a Waldorf School in Cordoba, Argentine.
- Waldorf education in Japan. An Interview with Michiko Koyasu,
Professor of Germanics at Waseda University in Tokyo.